Monday, June 22, 2015

I am done being polite.

I couldn't give two flying....well I really don't care how people feel about things that are part of my life.  In the last week I have had beer poured on me ( I hope it really was accidental but a 6 foot wide spill seems unlikely.)  I have been put down for my taste in music, movies and writing.  But today gets the blue ribbon.

I am on OKCupid.  I thought maybe there would be someone who may want to get to know me.  I don't try and fool anyone.  I am very plain about who I am and where I am going.  This has been a put off for one person because they said I sound like I am high maintenance.  They are correct I am.  But I am also someone who many would like to be with, just I don't go for people whose idea of a date in McDonalds and Red Box.  Here is the first part of my profile. (pay attention to words because evidently ONE tripped a switch)

I am just exploring and seeing who is out there. I lean toward females but the right guy may work. I am not limiting myself at this time. Men, however, you have a larger hill to climb because I am a Princess and I expect to be treated like one. I enjoy the perks of being a woman. Women- know that I am transitioning and thus, I will be physically female soon. I am very happy with who I am. I have accepted who I am. No I won't fit most social mores. So anyone who is interested must be interested in the person, not the parts. I am a transsexual Male-to- female.

Do you see the word?  I take care to not say I am transitioning into a female. I say I am becoming a woman...However in the medical world I am described as a "Male to Female Transsexual".  Common terminology.  And after surgery I will have female anatomy...

But today a woman sent me this message:
"You will never be a female, know that, I am female. Call yourself something else, it's offensive to me to have a man say and think he's my gender!!!! Your DNA will always be male!!!!!! It's your psych issues"

I had no contact with this person in any form before.  She messaged me.  But that one word, that one word that is part of a medical diagnosis....evidently got her panties, not only in a bunch but shoved them as deep as they could go.

(Note, the last paragraph of my profile says "You should message me if: you want to know more, you are not rude and you are patient. I am in no rush to get anywhere, I like being free. If you understand or want to understand the diversity that is the TG community, that we are not what you see on the media"  Definition of rude would be...?)

I replied:
"You may be XX but there is another word for what you are. You don't know my genotype. You are rude. I find that offensive. Your opinion is not supported by medical knowledge. It isn't a psych issue. I don't really know why you thought in any manner I care what offends you anyway"
 I assumed the end but....not she was going to give her full wrath.

Her reply:
"Oh shut up freak!!!!!!!! You are not a woman period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I didn't she sent this "I am a medical person with many degrees. Anomalies are rare not this twisted agenda. You men need psych help not surgery!!!!!! You will never ever be a woman!!!!!! You are a fake not part of are clan ,so do whatever but call yourself something else like heshe! I'm offended by you guys.!!!!!! Gourami is being what you we're born with! Embrace that!!!!!!!!!"-  I didn't respond again. "
I'm real. You're fake, have a baby, have periods!!!! Man!!!"

OK time to pick this apart and examine the whole thing.

Exclamation points...more than 4 shows a strong emotional side but not well educated.  Anger issues are likely.

She is a medical person...yet she doesn't say in what, nurse, researcher....Fly by night new age voodoo enchantress....nope can't be any of those because they understand transgender.  She's in New marijuana or peyote grower?  Nope, they don't get pissed about how someone else is.  But she has "many" degrees. She says she works in critical care.  Honestly?   But it does show that Book larnin don't make ya smart. 

She is part of the "clan" (that's how she spelled it...not with a 'K'). So I am guessing radical feminist.  Now I had to see why she said "Gourami"  No idea actually, they're fish I know that much but I thought..."Hmmm maybe they change sex..."  Can't find that anywhere...Gourami is being what you are born with. This is coming from a medical person with many degrees who works in critical she wouldn't correct birth defects?  She wouldn't allow any medicine or surgery to treat anything you are born with?

All that aside.  She is just ignorant (and that scares the hell out of me if I ever need critical care in New Mexico).  Here is where her claim to being medical falls apart as a lie or just plain stupid.

"I'm real. You're fake, have a baby, have periods!!!! Man!!!" So any woman who either cannot or decides to NOT have a child isn't a woman?  Any woman past menopause isn't a woman?  Any woman who has had a hysterectomy isn't a woman?  Her definition of a female and/or a woman is based on the ability to breed or to have menses. 

She's 53 has 4 children...I assume that if she already isn't menopausal she will be soon, then she will be a...?

I don't know why she is fearful of me...I didn't meet any of her criteria.  My profile actually says "M" because I made it three years ago.  If I hadn't mentioned being trans and had the "F" marker, I wonder if she would be scared of me?  She should because her profile photo shows a person with a square jaw, man's hair cut.  She could easily be mistaken as a trans.

I was going to reply to her ignorant idea of having to breed or bleed to be a woman, but then maybe I should lets sleeping BITCHES lie.


  1. Well said! Found this while looking for that book we were talking about earlier today! I just adore you lady!

    1. Awww thank you. The book starts under the heading " the best thing about the internet..." 😀
