Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I thought I had made this offer before.  Maybe I did and no one took it up.

Any questions (that aren't too personal) you have about my transition, please ask.   I may or may not have the answer.  But if I don't I can try and find it.

If you don't understand it makes it difficult to accept.

I say this because I think some people still don't believe I am serious about this.  I am dead serious.  Many TGs take that literally. It is a matter of life or death.

Let me reiterate, this is me, I am her and she is me and we are both together. I am not doing this for fun or because I am confused ( although I am confused on some things. Like why paraphrasing Beatles lyrics from a time they were stoned out of their heads seemed like the thing to do there).

So here are a few common questions

What made you do this?  I dunno and what a hard question to start this with.  But the most pertinent and common probably.  What made you the way you are?  I spent a lot of my life trying to understand why certain things that thrilled other guys, did nothing at all for me.  But I knew it was deep inside me.  Nothing made me do anything but become who I felt I was for my whole life.

No I wasn't dressed and forced to be a girl at a tea party when I was 5.  No I didn't have an overbearing female role model.  No I wasn't starved for attention or love as a child (we didn't show a lot of affection but we "knew").  Yes I was molested and bullied at points of my life (thus why I really don't understand why BSA is anti-gay when it is a training ground for that.  Oh and a point here, it didn't make me gay either). I doubt it was hormones introduced by physicians while I was being made, it isn't the water (otherwise there would be a lot more of "us").  Genetics?  Maybe.  Nature  vs Nurture...nature. 

When did you know? (corollary to why did you decide to do this).  Easy answer, I have vivid memories when I was 4.  Complex answer?  Forever.  I didn't decide, it was always there.  I suppressed because I was taught to.  Why did I wait until I was 55?  Because there comes a time in your life when you say "Life is short, I don't really care about how society feels and I only have to please me"  But I don't regret anything that brought me here.

How do you have sex? Ah!  Finally a question I can answer...infrequently.  Not enough?  Details by request with a self addressed stamped envelope with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back.

Will you go the whole way (also will you cut it off? Won't you miss that part?)  I dunno.  Hopefully yes (ok not missing that part isn't really gone, just remodeled) but there are hurdles, the biggest of which is money.  Most of the others I have jumped already (why is there a Bruce Jenner analogy there somewhere?)

How can you do this to (yourself, your family, society)?  Myself, I am not doing it to, I am doing it for. My family.  I'm sorry if you think I did this to you.  I wouldn't hurt you for anything...except to save me.  I am still the same person with a soft gooey center as before, just with a different chocolate coating (and no nuts).  Society.  First I don't care about what a bunch of people decide that really doesn't in any way effect the lives and livelihood of the greater being.  I don't give two flips about how you interpret or misinterpret a book.  Society, in general, was started to make sure you didn't do things that would endanger...society.  My gender doesn't mess up anything except your concept of me.

Now just a quick word.  Above I twisted "I am the walrus". You may or may not have noticed something there.  The pronouns are feminine (thank you society for those little boxes of ticky tack).  So the next question is....

How do I refer to you?  Lori would be fine if we know each other.   She if you are telling someone about me.  Her for things I have. When you meet a transgender, reference how they appear.  Simple.  My drivers license says F.  Colorado says I am a woman (your state may vary...if so you need a new state).  I cringe at "Ma'am" as much as I did "Sir" only because it seems ostentatious (I have wanted to use that word for months now) but it is respectful.  M'lady is ok in certain playtime activities. I will ignore male pronouns and (with one exception) the old given name.  It's time to move on.

Honestly though, you can't understand unless you ask questions.  I would rather you ask than have you avoid me.  If it is too personal, I will tell you.  BUT, if you ask, be prepared for an answer you may or may not want to hear.

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