Thursday, January 21, 2016

Continuing the saga.  PG-13 (L V S N). 

Part II

The best time to see Central park is when the sun is coming up from the window of your suite, after a night of raw sex and no sleep.

I stood in the window looking out over the lush green trees, glimmering with dew and the sun.  The bright water of the reservoir made a mirror in the center of it all.  All I had on was Trey’s suit jacket and I was sipping a cup of coffee he had brewed just for me.

Trey came out of the bedroom, wrapped in one of the hotel’s fluffy robes.  He was toweling his hair after his shower.  I kept staring out the window.

“I could wake up to this every morning..” I mused.

“Just a couple of problems with that.,” he stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist, nuzzling my neck.  “First, you‘re not waking up.  You haven’t slept all night.  Second, I’m not that rich.”  He kissed my neck.

“You promised me everything and now that you’ve had your pleasure you’re changing your mind?” I said deadpan.  “You men are all alike.  Entice a girl to sleep with you.  Then…”

“We haven’t slept.” He reminded me, “and honey I would give you anything within my power.  This….just is beyond my power at the moment.”

He pulled away and walked to the coffee maker and made himself a cup of coffee while I watched the birds fly around the trees below.  Joggers were starting to fill the paths and traffic was increasing.

He came back and stood beside me glancing over at the jacket.  My breasts swelled under it and it barely reached my crotch.

“I could wake up to that every morning.” He smiled, “I am never having that jacket cleaned you know. .” He took a sip of his coffee, “Of course I won’t be able to wear it at meetings anymore with your marvelous scent distracting me.”

“Cologne, sweat, spilled wine…?”

“You.” He kissed my cheek. Looking back out the window he said “It is beautiful isn’t it?  Maybe I could sell the Pinto.  We wouldn’t need to drive anyway.”

I looked at him.  I would say I looked up at him but we were the same height.  I was in love.  Stronger and deeper than I had ever been before.  He had been gentle when I needed it and strong when I needed it last night.  It was like he knew what I wanted even before I did.  And he was right, I hadn’t slept.  I may have dosed a little.  Between rounds we would cuddle and tickle and talk.  Then, somehow for people our age, we would be ready again.

“Besides,” he started, “There are far more places to go and to see.  Did I tell you the company has a cabin…well it’s 3000 square feet but we call it a cabin, in Colorado?”

“That,” I told him, “Was not something we discussed last night.  Let’s see, there was getting a puppy and how you like the smell of fresh baked bread.  We talked about how much you loved all parts of my body.   But, no, a cabin in Colorado wasn’t one of them.

“By the way, what does your company do?”

“Investments and funding.”  He said.

“Money laundering?”

He laughed.  “Close.  But all on the up and up.  Totally legal,” he mused, “usually”

“I hate you have to be back tomorrow.”

“Whoa, little one, back up.” He said, “You’re the one who has to be back at work.  What did you say you sell again?”

“I didn’t say.” I teased , “but you will have two on your desk tomorrow, remember?.  I sell drugs.”

“Street drugs?”

“No, like you, all on the up and up.” I giggled, “A midsized pharmaceutical firm who has a proprietary new drug that may cure some cancers.”

“You do that very well.” He said, “I may have to try some.”

“Please, never get cancer.” I whispered. “I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

“But you have the cure,” he said kissing my lips, “and the new drug”

“No, really Trey, right now you’re my life.  I couldn’t live without you.”

“Ditto, Princess.” He said.  “I told you I loved you at Antoine’s.  I don’t lie to you, remember?”

“I do.” And I kissed him again, reaching between the folds of the robe and finding him hard again.  “Take me to bed.  Then take me to breakfast.”


“I called and told my office I would work from the office here tomorrow. I have to stop in but then we can have another day.  Now can you call in sick?” Trey told me as I came out of the shower.

“I can,” I said climbing into bed with him.  “I think I’m coming down with something…I may have to stay in bed with my legs elevated.”

“You’re wet.” He told me, “They will have to change the sheets.  Go get dressed. I’ll call the front desk, cancel my room tonight, add this one for Monday night.”

“I will run out of clothes,” I told him.

“Clothes?  What are these clothes you speak of?  You don’t need clothes.  Princesses don’t need clothes.”

“This Princess does,” I stated, “Most things post op I am comfortable with, especially after last night, but being naked in New York City isn’t one of them.”

“Go get dressed, we’re going to breakfast and then church.”

“Do I have to confess my sins from last night?” I joked, “Forgive me Father for I have sinned, and sinned, and sinned and sinned.”

“If you wish, but I think God saw it all last night. You called him several times.” he laughed.  “No, I thought you would like to see some sights while here.  Saint Patrick’s was on the list.”

“Awesome. Did I tell you I am allergic to church …and then maybe the city jail? ”

“Hmmm.  You, handcuffs, strip search…yeah, that can work.”

I hit him with a pillow. “Give me some time, I’ll get dressed.”


Being a tourist in New York City on a perfect day is not something I would have ever planned.  First we went to breakfast.  A cozy little café within walking distance of the hotel that was recommended by the concierge.  Robert was off that day but Donald said he would make an itinerary for us by the time we got back.

The day was already getting warm as we walked down the street, me holding Trey’s arm and admiring the sights.  We spent about an hour at breakfast.  The crowd was just starting to build as we left.

“Geez these people start late.” I said as we walked out.

“It’s ten,” Trey scolded me. “You have been up since five remember?”

“I’ve been up since yesterday.  I’m a little sore. Are you sore?” I asked him.

“Not at all but I can barely walk.  Let’s ride the rest of the day.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

We walked into the lobby and Donald smiled at us.

“I booked some fun things for you. “he gleamed, “First, since Miss March said she needed some clothes, Macy’s.  They open in about thirty minutes.  I have set up a personal shopper, I hope that’s alright.”

“For the Princess…nothing less will do.” Trey teased.

“Then,” Donald continued, “Lunch at the Empire State building and I got you reservations for the observation deck.  Then a ferry ride followed by dinner at Yankee Stadium.  I do have two tickets to the Yankees if you wish.  I didn’t know if you liked baseball.  They aren’t the best, Third base six rows up.”

“Oh!   That sounds fun.” I said, “Can we make all that?”

“Yes,” Donald said, “The car will be here in a few minutes if you need to freshen up.” 

Since I didn’t have anything else to wear, there was no need.  We waited until the car arrived.

As we sat in the back seat I suddenly felt sleepy.  I lay my head in Trey’s lap as we rode.

“Um…not now honey we have places to go.” He joked.

“Wake me when we get there.” I said and closed my eyes.  The trip took about 20 minutes and I slept the whole way.  I felt badly because Trey stayed awake the whole time, stroking my hair.  When the car stopped at Macy’s he gently nudged me.

“We’re here Princess, can you wake up enough to shop?”

I looked up at him and smiled. “I can shop in my sleep.  You coming in?”

“My turn for the nap.  They can call the driver when you are done.” He kissed my cheek.

I went in and met Stephanie, my shopper for the day.

“Miss March?  I have chosen a few things you may like.  Follow me.” She led me to a small room away from everyone and had me take a seat.  “Can I get you anything?”

I mumbled “Ice for my bruised…”

“Pardon?” she said, “I didn’t hear you.”

“Nothing, I’m just talking to myself.”

“Here on your honeymoon?” she asked as she took some clothes off a rack.

“No..we’re not married.  My husband and Trey’s wife wouldn’t like that.   Then again, they’re sleeping with each other in Mexico so how would they know?”

Stephanie’s face went slack.

“I’m kidding, no we aren’t on a honeymoon.  More a first date.”

“I see.” She said but I knew she didn’t know what to believe.  She had excellent taste in clothes, offering me things that I did like.  If I had more time I would have liked to have looked around for myself, but we were on a schedule.  Having someone shop for you is like hunting where the animals are caged.

I took the packages, including several new sets of underwear and had them call the car.  I waited at the curb as they pulled up.

“So, what did you get?” Trey asked me.

“Some cute slacks and a dress.  Oh and for you…” I opened the lingerie box and pulled out some lacy panties.

“They look a little small but if you want me to wear them I will try.”

“Not for you…for me for you.” I poked him.  “They cost a little but…I’m thinking tonight…in bed…”


“No, I want to be ravaged.” I pouted.

“Uh huh.” He smiled., “ is this a side I don’t know about yet?”

“Could be.” I said, “I can be submissive.”

He stared at me for a moment.


“Seriously, that can be fun sometimes.” I told him

“I will add that to my to do list.”

The Empire State building wasn’t too far away and we had reservations for lunch there.  Afterward we rode to the upper observation deck and looked out over Manhattan.  It was one of those days when there were few clouds and little breeze.  Trey broke into his impersonation of Cary Grant

“The Empire State Building is the closest thing to heaven in this city.” He mimicked, “I was bored to death. I hadn't seen one attractive woman since we left. Now, isn't that terrible? I was alarmed. I said to myself, 'Don't beautiful women travel any more?' And then I saw you, and I was saved -- I hope."

“What are you doing?” I laughed.

“Affair to Remember,. Cary Grant. Debora Kerr” he held his arms open like that would help me remember the movie.

“Didn’t she die or something?” I asked.

He went back to his imitation, “Judy Judy, Judy…why no she didn’t…” he stopped, “She was just… paralyzed.”

“Nice, and you are comparing me to her why?”

“It’s the building,” he said, “They split up but promised to meet on the Empire State Building at midnight and get married.  She doesn’t show.  He thinks he was stood up
but she was in this …terrible…um…acciden…” he face went slack.  “Oh geeze, I didn’t mean..”

I hugged him, “I know, you were just playing around.” I comforted him, “So did they ever get married? That’s important because…”  I let it trail off.

“Yes they did…and lived happily ever after the credits.”

“See, it is a good story.”  I giggled, “Not like Rear Window where they look out and see a…”  I pretended to look out the window on the observatory then … “Oh my god…”

He rushed over, “What?!”  I grabbed him and turned his face to kiss him.

“I looked up at heaven and you were there.”  I whispered.

“You little cheat, you knew all along. That was close to the line from the movie” He smiled at me and kissed me again.


The game was OK.  The Yankees lost 6-4.  I got a hat with the logo.  Trey got a belly ache eating hot dogs after we had eaten in the restaurant.  I felt sorry for the driver as we kept him out the whole day and half the night.  Trey gave him a $100 tip.

We were exhausted as we went back to the suite.  I clung to his arm and when we got inside I threw myself on the couch.

“If you want it, come and get it.  I don’t think I can make it to bed.” I told him.

“I will carry you Princess.” He moved to lift me up.

“Trey!  I weigh almost as much as you do stop that,” I scolded, “just come lay here with me a few minutes.”

“OK but I take no responsibility for my actions.”  He snuggled in next to me.  The flowers had been put into a vase on the counter.  I smiled thinking about the whole day.

“You know what would be nice?” he asked.

“Umm…you …me naked in the bed?” I replied.

“Yeah, that,” he said into my neck.  “I was thinking champagne and chocolate, you naked and me licking it all off you.”

I closed my eyes.  “OK but you clean it up.”

“I won’t spill.” He said, “Did you have fun today?”

“The most fun I could have with my clothes on.”

“No one said you had to wear clothes.”

“Didn’t we do this shtick earlier?”  I closed my eyes again.  He was so nice all curled in behind me.

“So I have to go in for a few hours tomorrow morning but I’ll be back and we can do lunch.  You can sleep in.  I will tell housekeeping to put us off until afternoon.  How about the Metropolitan art museum tomorrow?”

I didn’t answer.

“You don’t like art?  OK how about a carriage ride?”

Still no answer.  I was deep asleep, totally out from the day.

“How about we sleep on the couch?” he asked giving my cheek a kiss.


I did sleep in.  It was mid morning before I awoke, Still on the couch but covered with the spread from the bed.  I sat up, feeling like the whole Continental army had camped in my mouth.  The flowers were on the table in front of me now and a note.

“Princess, my sleeping beauty, I have to go in and do a few things while we are here.  I ordered breakfast; orange juice and crusty rolls and butter.  In the fridge.   Just push the button on the coffee.  I’ll be back as soon as possible. Love you T.”

I shuffled to the little in room fridge and found Brotchen, crusty German rolls and sweet cream butter.  I took the little glass of juice and drank it down.  OK, now coffee.  I pressed the button and went back to the couch.  The morning paper was there, crumpled a bit from Trey reading it, but serviceable.  I only do the puzzles anyway.  The coffee was ready so I got up and grabbed the bread and coffee cup and plopped back down on the couch.  I got about half the crossword done then decided to take a shower.

The clothes I had on were wrinkled badly.  I found the packages from Macy’s and the dress I had bought the day before.  Good thing I bought new underwear too.

Fifteen minutes in the shower and I was a new woman.  Well, a new, new woman.  Hair, makeup, teeth.  Now just had to wait for Trey.  Noon came along.  I was still waiting.

Oh my God, I thought what if he snuck out on me.  I would max my credit cards just to pay the bill.

Silly, why would he do that?  Besides they took his card when we checked in.  Doesn’t mean he didn’t leave you here I told myself.  Men, you can’t trust them.

I heard the click of the electronic lock and the door open.  Trey came tip toeing in.

“And just where have you been all night?” I scolded him, “Out drinking with the guys again while I stay home taking care of the house, making you dinner, watching soap operas!”

“Sounds about right, “He smiled, “You home making me dinner…I could do that.”

“On your income?” I pouted.

“Well I suppose we could hock this if we needed to.” He handed me a small box.  I opened it and it held a ring. “It isn’t much, I didn’t really have time to look but I think it’s your size.  Try it on.”

I was shaking badly as I slipped the ring on my finger.  It was almost a perfect fit.

“Now it’s official, you’re my girl.”

“Does this mean we are engaged?” I held my hand up and turned it so I could see the sparkle of the stone.

“No,” he said, “It is just my hope you will take me seriously and be with me for the rest of my life.”

“You could have bought me a drink and I would have said yes to that.  But you ain’t getting this back now.” I stood and kissed him.

“Well we have about 18 hours.  What shall we do?” he asked.

“I vote sex.”

“For 18 hours?”

“We did it before.  Are going to wimp out on me now?”

“NO…yeah, I am only one man dammit!” He teased.

“OK order another man.” I said flippantly and plopped down on the couch again.

“How bout lunch instead, maybe the MOMA After?”

I scrunched my face.

“I don’t like modern art.  How about the Natural History Museum?” I asked

“OK you call the front desk, get us a taxi and see if we can get lunch there.  Do they serve the Paleo diet you suppose?” He started to the bed room. “You know we could have saved half the price because we didn’t use this room last night.”

I arranged the transportation and they made us reservations for the Café on One.  We spent the afternoon wandering the marble halls and seeing the Theodore Roosevelt exhibit.  I’m sure Trey would have liked MOMA better, but he followed me around like a puppy anyway.

It was still sort of early but we were tired so we went back to the room.

He sat beside me on the couch as we put our feet up.

“This was the best weekend of my life.” He sighed, “Well except when I was 6 and I got a pony.  Let me tell you, taking it up and down the elevator to pee was tough.”

I elbowed him in the ribs.

“Hey!,” he said loudly, “Stop that, Boyfriend abuse.  You wanna walk home tomorrow?”

“NO,” I stuck my bottom lip out, “I wanna stay here.”

“Ok, but I’m going home.” He said. 

“Then I wanna go with you,” I giggled, “I wanna go where you is all the time.”  I straddled him.

“We are here right now.  How about room service?  Some salads and cocktails?”

“That’s full circle, you, me, cocktails.”

“Just the first go around.”


I hated the plane ride home.  I didn’t talk much and stared out the window.

“Princess?” he asked, “Did I do something wrong?

“No,” I said not taking my eyes off the view outside. ”You did everything right.  It’s just that…”

“Just what?”

“Just, I dunno.  I feel like I don’t deserve any of this.” I sighed, “That it is just a dream and I will wake up and be sitting on that bar stool.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because I am a fraud, a fake.”

“This is news to me.” He reached over to my hand. “Is there something I don’t know?”

“No, you know everything.   Remember, the world started Friday at 3:30 in that bar.”

“It did for me.”

“Me too, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“I dunno.” I looked at him, “Trey, why me?”

“The answer could be another question, why not you?”

“Why me, what made you decide to sit next to me, to take me to dinner?”

“Um…because, when I saw you, the light on your hair, those legs crossed just so, I knew.”

“That I was a guy before?”

“No, honey, I knew that you were the one I had been waiting for.”

“But you said you knew everything, that it didn’t matter, why?”

“Because it doesn’t”

“It matters to me.”

“Why?” he asked.

“It matters because…it always has.” I said, “Did I tell you I was in the hospital?  Because I tried to kill myself?”

“Ancient history.” He said, “Do you have those thoughts now?”

“No,” I replied.

“Then the only thing that matters is you didn’t”

“Why me?”

“Because, I love you.” He said, “and that is all that really matters.  I could ask you ‘why me?’”

I stopped and looked at him.  I thought “why him?”  The obvious was he was good looking, smart, funny, well off, but none of that was the reason.  It was because when I looked at him, it was like electricity went through my body.  Like I was free falling and couldn’t stop.  Like…like I had been with him before and now we were back together again.  I smiled.

“It’s the Pinto.”


Trey taxied the jet to his parking spot.  The same man met us with a luggage cart.

“Welcome back.” He greeted us, “How was the trip?

“Just as planned.  We drank, had dinner, fought, made up, had breakfast…you know the usual thing married couples do.” I said.

The man stared at me in disbelief.

Trey started laughing.

“It was great Arnie, thank you.” He shook the guys hand, “Get used to her, she’s gonna be around awhile, I hope.”

“Ah Yes sir,” the man broke into a huge smile.  “I’ll take the luggage to the car.”

I turned to Trey. “About what I said on the plane…” I started, “I’m sorry.”

“About using me for the Pinto?  Well, all I can say is you can keep the ring and the necklace, but the Pinto stays with me.” He hugged me, “Princess, I don’t care why you are with me, all I care is that you ARE with me.  Come with me, I’ll give you a ride home.”

We walked through the building and into the parking lot.  He led me across to the far side where, all alone sat a 1972 Pinto with one green door.  He opened the passenger door and smiled at me.

“I told you I wouldn’t lie to you.”

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be this princess! love!
