Saturday, January 16, 2016

(part 2 of Novelette) Note PG-13

We finished dinner and at his insistence, walked to a nearby coffee shop for dessert.  He spent the whole evening looking at me, smiling, like a kid looking at Macy’s window in December.  Not once did he try to touch or kiss me the whole evening.  If he had, I would have let him do whatever he wanted.

He got us a cab and dropped me off at home.  As I sat there I knew I didn’t want the clock to strike 12.  I turned to kiss him and he stopped me..

”Monday, remember?” he said.

“Screw Monday,” I answered and leaned harder into him.  He took my lips readily and held me tight. 

When we stopped and I sat back he looked at me and said, “I don’t want this to end but we have to go slow.  I’m already in love with you.  I was when I saw you the first time, but you aren’t sure yet.” He whispered into my ear, “Trust me, it will be alright.”

“But I want you to…” he put his fingertips to my lips to stop me.

“I will have a cab here at 8 in the morning.  Pack light but pack to stun the Big Apple.” He kissed me lightly again, “and we will have a great time.  I will get a suite so we can be near but you can have your own space.  Eight OK?”


“Eight o’clock.  Please?  If you aren’t at the airport by nine, I’ll know you changed your mind.”

The driver had come around to the door and was holding it open.  I stepped out then turned to Trey.

“Eight o’clock, sharp.” I said,.


It’s impossible to pack light for a weekend in New York City.  I finally settled on two dresses, one casual and one knee length cocktail, along with a few tops, a skirt and slacks.  One bag. 

Lingerie took longer.  He said separate rooms but I hoped for more.  I wondered “does he like thongs?”  Then I wondered “What does he like?”   I had no idea.  Garters, that would be cute, wouldn’t it?  Under the cocktail dress.  Tease him a bit while sitting at the table, just showing the tabs and stocking tops.  And lace panties and bra. 

That was being a good boy scout…being prepared.   Oh God, Boy Scouts, what a hideous time.  That’s when I first felt really out of place.  I didn’t understand the things that seemed to make the other boys happy.  What was the pleasure they got from wrestling with each other, pulling each other under the water, stripping the swim suits off of …me.   Me staying in the water, naked, not wanting for any of them to see.  I hadn’t even started to develop but the embarrassment had caused me to react.  I had hoped they would go away and I could get out without them noticing.  Or give me back my trunks.  But they stood there on shore, laughing.

I spent the rest of the trip, trying to avoid being near them.  They, on the other hand, spent the rest of the trip stripping me of my pants.  I never wanted to go back again, and to this day I hate camping in any form.

Now New York City, with its nightlife and restaurants and eclectic people.  I could fit in there.  No one cared about who or what I used to be.  No one really noticed no matter what.  I came and went wherever I wanted and no one cared.

But this time it would be different.  I would be on the arm of a man.  A handsome and well to do man.  At least he said he was.  What if, at eight o’clock, there wasn’t a cab downstairs waiting?  What if somehow he was stripping me and leaving me in the lake, naked and…well excited? 

Makeup, eye shadow, liner, blush…

My whole life seemed to be like that where people took whatever they wanted from me and then left me without any coverage.  But it made me wary and it made me aggressive.  It made me know when and where I could press to get what I wanted.  I could almost smell when they were the most vulnerable.  And that made me a great sales…person.  Now when I made the sales calls, they saw a woman and that gave me an even greater edge.

Yet here I was, falling for a line: hook line and sinker as they say.   I believed everything he told me.  He, on the other hand, had not let me throw one sales pitch his way.  He hadn’t found out about the real me.  I tried to tell him I reasoned.  I had tried to fill him in on the details, but something always deflected it.

Lipsticks, hair brush and ties…

If it did come to going to bed with him, I could fake it as long as I had notice.  I had the parts, but I needed help.  I needed lubrication.

Lube!  I threw it in the bag.

Even looking close now you could not tell, you could not see the scars.  I could do that and he would never know.  Under the covers, it didn’t matter.  I could keep this a secret.

I looked at my body in the mirror.  Not bad for a woman my age that’s for sure.  OK a little tummy but that was all.  I looked like a swimmer.  I hated swimming too since the swimsuit incident but I looked like a swimmer.

Maybe I need a swim suit, after all the hotel would have a pool and maybe a Jacuzzi…

It is only two days and two nights.

I wonder if we could see a show.  I had always wanted to see a Broadway show.  Probably not, such short notice and all.

Olive Garden…why did I say that?  I should have said the Ritz or Tavern on the Green…or something.    You knew someday you would regret being such a smart ass.

OK, all set, try and sleep.  Set the alarm for 5:30.   Great 4 hours of sleep, I should be beautiful. 

Eight O’clock is going to come fast.


Seven forty five and I was watching the street waiting for the cab.  I prayed he wasn’t lying last night.  That clock seemed like it had stopped.  I sat on my suitcase and waited.

Just before eight a cab pulled into the loading area.  The driver got out and walked up to the glass door looking at the intercom list.  I stood, took a deep breath, checked my skirt and walked to the door.  I opened it.

“Miss March?” he asked.

My throat felt dry but I squeaked out “Yes”.

“Mister Hughes sent me.  Can I get your bags?”

“Bag…” I corrected him.

“OK, I will get it.  Mister Hughes asked me to give you this.” he handed me a box..  I opened it .  It was a lovely necklace.  Silver with a single stone.

“Ma’am,” the driver said , “Whenever you’re ready.”  I put the necklace on and got in the back of the cab.  The driver went straight to the airport. He dropped me off at one of the charter buildings.  He put the bag on the sidewalk and told me to have a lovely day.   I suddenly thought, he needs a tip.  I asked him to wait while I rummaged through my purse.  I had 40 dollars.  I tried to give him a twenty.

“No thank you ma’am.  It’s already covered.” He smiled, “And you have a great trip.”  He got in the cab and drove away.  Another man stepped out of the building.

“Miss March?”

“Yes.” I said, as I whirled around, still stunned over all this.

“Please come with me.” He took the suitcase and led me into the building.  Now you would think rich people would have this marvelous waiting area but it was just a nicely appointed room.   It didn’t matter because we went straight through to the hanger area.  There, sitting with its engines running was a large jet.  I looked at the man with my bag and he shook his head “no” and had me follow him a little further.

Now, after seeing the giant jet, this one looked small.  It was a HondaJet I was told.  He stood aside and waved me up the stairs.  Inside were 4 seats, large comfortable seats.  The flight deck was behind a door. 

“Ma’am is there anything I can get you before takeoff?” the man asked me.

“No, not right now.”  I said , “Will Mister Hughes be here soon?”

“He’s already here ma’am.” And the man went to the door of the flight deck and knocked.  “Miss March aboard, sir.  Ready when you are.”  The door opened and Trey’s huge smile greeted me.  He was dressed in a polo shirt and slacks.  Suddenly I felt over dressed. 

“Princess!” he gleamed, “Welcome aboard.  Nice outfit.” He stood back and smiled, “Especially the necklace.”

“How did you get that this early?” I asked him.

“Connections, honey, connections.” He walked over to me and embraced me, kissing my lips softly yet firmly “Actually, it was something I have had around and you were perfect for it.” He kissed me lightly again.  “So you want to drive?”  He waved toward the cockpit.

“I think I will leave that to the pilot.” I said looking at him skeptically.

“Very well,” He replied, “Captain Hughes at your service.” He bowed before me.

“You?  Do you know how to drive this thing?”

“Nope, but what the heck, it can’t be too hard can it? Similar to a pinto I think” he looked around, “after all, it goes up…it comes down. The middle part is computerized.”

 “Swell,” I smiled, “The takeoff shouldn’t hurt anyway.”

“Please,” he motioned me to the door, “Have a seat on the right.  I want to look at those pretty legs for the next hour and a half.  Sorry no flight attendant, you will have to fill that role.”

We strapped in and soon were cruising east.  Trey set the autopilot and turned to me. 

“You are my captive for the next hour.” He stated, “You can’t get away…unless you skydive.  Do you skydive?”

“Are you going to throw me out?” I asked.

“Never in my lifetime, ” He answered seriously. “Right now I want to be near you forever.”

“That’s a long time.” I teased, “You could get tired of me.”

“I will get comfortable with you.  I shan’t get tired of you.”

“’Shan’t?’.  You are a quandary.  Last night ‘ain’t’ and today ‘shan’t’. “ I told him, “I know you’re rich, you own a jet…”

“It belongs to the corporation, they just let me borrow it sometimes,, weekends mostly...” he corrected.

“OK,” I continued, “and you talk strange.”


“Are trying to start a fight?” I asked.

“In no manner.” He replied, “I am trying my best to seduce you.”

“Really?” I giggled, “I had no idea.  So the corporation lets you borrow the jet.  Just for a quick spin?  Because you are such a nice guy?”

“Because my grandfather and father own the company, otherwise we would be making this trip in the two tone Pinto.”

“I have to see that car.”

“When we get back” he smiled.  “OK buckle up we will be landing soon.  Need to freshen up?  Straighten your stockings?”

“No,” I told him, “I’m good.  Besides I left my stockings at home,…with my panties.”

He looked at me in disbelief.

I smiled at him, “You should have checked before, now we’re landing.”


The cab ride to the hotel was interesting.  I could tell he wanted to check to see if I had been telling the truth about the panties.  He kept glancing down as I crossed, uncrossed and re-crossed my legs.  I am sure visions of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct ran through his mind but I was careful to not let him see.

We arrived at the Park Lane Hotel.  Trey jumped out of the cab and ran around to open the door for me.  I was very careful to not expose anything as I swung my legs out and stood up.

“You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” he asked.

“If curiosity killed the cat, then…yes.”

We walked toward the revolving doors and he directed me toward the desk..  Even as crowded as the lobby was, the click of my high heels on the polished floor seemed to echo in my ears.  I wondered, as shiny as the floor was if Trey could have looked at the reflection to see the day glow pink thong I was wearing.

“Good morning, sir.” The man behind the desk greeted us. “And Madame. Are you on our reservations list?”

“Yes, we are.” Trey answered him, “Hughes, two, view of the park.”

“Let me check.” The man told him, “Single room suite overlooking the park.”

I looked at Trey who just smiled at me.

“So separate bedrooms huh?” I asked him.

He grinned at me and the man at the desk continued, “adjoining rooms.”

“I really don’t know what to think of you Mister Hughes.” I said softly, “I would have taken the single bedroom and shared the bed with you, you know.”

“I promised,” he replied. “total honesty.  Unlike people who wear pink panties.”

“TREY!” I said loudly, “How…I mean when…”

“When you sat in the right seat, you flashed me.  I was sure you meant to do it.”

We rode the elevator up to the floor and the bellman took us to our rooms.  He put me in the suite and Trey took the adjoining single room.  There was a door between and Trey showed me that I could lock it so no one could come in.

“What if I get scared?”

“Just knock….I’m sure whomever I’m with will help you out.” He smiled at me.

“You’re mean, Mister Hughes.” I feigned anger.  “What does she look like?”

He left me to set up the room and unpack.  One suitcase didn’t take long.  I walked over to the window to see Central park spread out before me.  The sunshine glistened off the trees and the lake.  My reverie was broken by a knock on the door.

“Princess,” Treys voice came through, “are you decent?”

I called back, “I am but give me a minute, I’ll fix that.”  I walked over and opened the door.  He came in and embraced me, kissing me hard on the lips.

“I wanted to do that all day.” He said.

“Honey if you do that all day we will pass out from lack of oxygen.”

“How about lunch?”

“Probably wouldn’t be able to eat either…” I teased him.  “Oh you mean now.  Sure, should I change?”

“Maybe blue panties instead of pink.” He said.

“Maybe I took them off.”

“Ah, don’t do that to me.” He held his chest.  “No, you look wonderful.  You may want lower heels though so we can take a walk.”

I went into the bed room and slipped on some wedges.  He escorted me out of the room and gave me his arm.

“I will have the best arm candy in town today.” He stated as we entered the elevator.


The little café was a a block away or so. Angela’s.  Trey found us a small table and we sat down.  His hand reached under and started to slide up my leg to my hem.

“Trey!,” I hissed, “Not here.”

“You started it.”

“I did?”

“I have to check your underwear, it’s dress code.”

“I have some on….sheesh.” I told him.

“OK, I’ll take your word for it.” he brought his hand up to the table and placed it over mine.  “Maybe later?”

“Maybe Monday…remember?”

“I made that promise under duress.”

“Hey, you made it…you keep it.”

“Now who’s mean?”

“Me.” I said coyly.

He squeezed my hand.

“Never.” He said.

“I can let you out of that promise if you want.”

“Princess,“he looked me in the eye, “Whenever you’re ready, I won’t push.  Right now, I am having the most marvelous time since my bachelor party.”

I startled.

“You’re married?”

“I was, not anymore.” He smiled.  “She outgrew me.”

“I can see why, you little brat.”

He puffed out his lower lip.

“Amnot.” He said like a petulant three year old.

“Aretoo.” I told him. I stuck out my tongue  I felt that I had to tell him before this went any further. “Trey, there’s something I need to tell you.  I’m…”

“hungry?” he offered before I could finish. “Me too, what looks good.  I was thinking when in New York eat as the Romans do…a Rueben.”

I looked up at him and started to finish my original thought..  He took my hand again and smiled.  I relented.

“Yeah, a Rueben.” I said. “With a pickle.”  He started to say something but I stopped him, “not that pickle.”


After we finished we started wandering the neighborhood.  It was Central Park so what was the worst that could happen, somebody could steal our portfolio?    We crossed over and walked toward Jackie Onassis reservoir.

“I want to feed the ducks,” I told him, suddenly feeling like a 16 year old on her first date.

“I dunno,” He pondered, “They’re pretty mean,  They might take your arm off.”

“So?  I have two.”

“You need two to hug me, remember?”

“Now, who’s mean?   I wanna feed the ducks.”

We found someone selling duck food and walked over to the water.  There was a bench with an older couple but still enough room for us.

“Hello,” I said to them, “do you mind if we share?”

The old man smiled and patted the bench next to him.  We sat down and I started throwing food out to entice the ducks.

“Howard and I did that on our first date too.” the woman said.

The man turned to us and shook his head.

“I’m sorry, “ he started “but she has a little trouble remembering.  Things like my name is Marvin.” He chuckled

“Then who is Howard?” she asked him.

“One of your many lovers I’m sure.” The old man teased her.  “I have no idea who he is, babe.”

“Hmmm…” she mused, “I coulda swore you were Marvin.”

“I am, dear.” He said quietly, “Your husband of 52 years, Martin.”

I looked at him and he winked.

“That’s what I thought, Martin.” She said.

The old man turned back to me and said. “I’m Marvin Berger and this is my wife Sofia.”

I smiled and said, “I’m Susan and this is Trip.”

Trey gave me a look and held out his hand to the man, “Trey, Thomas Hughes.”

“Are you sure?” I asked him. “Trip sounds right.”

“I better be because that’s whose credit card we’re using”

Sofia looked at me. “Have you finished your homework yet?”

I stopped a second and Marvin smiled at me.  “No dear she’s…”

“Almost finished,” I said, “Maybe another couple minutes.”

Marvin nodded to me.  I could see how much he was in love with this woman, it showed in everything he did.  I wondered what it was like for them almost 40 years before.  She was beautiful still, and her eyes shined like diamonds even now, but she was somewhere else.   He still doted on her and I imagined how he saw her when she said yes to his proposal.

“Good, because I know you want to go out later.” She told me.

The old man put his arm around her and said. “C’mon Sofie, we better go and leave these two alone.”

“Why, do they want to make out or something?” she said loudly.

“Maybe, dear, but we should go.”

He helped her to her feet and turned to us.

“You have been very kind, thank you.”

Trey and I stood and shook his hand.  Sofia walked over to us and hugged me.

“It was so nice to meet you Susan.” She said, “I hope you and Thomas have 38 wonderful years together like me and Howard.”  Then she started away with the man behind her calling out to her.

“Marvin, honey…I’m Marvin”

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