Saturday, January 16, 2016

(Part 3-Note adult themes ahead)


The doors to the elevator opened on our floor and we stepped out together.

“I’ll pick you up in an hour.” He told me as he kissed my cheek.

“But where are we going?” I asked.

“You chose last night remember?  I made reservations.”

“Olive Garden?” I asked incredulously, “You didn’t come all the way to New York for that did you?”

“I suppose I could cancel.” He said seriously, “But you said…”

“No, No you’re right, I did.” I thought of the nice cocktail dress I had brought along.  “This is New York so maybe I won’t stand out too much.  I’ll see you in about an hour.”

He walked me to my room and we kissed.  I went in and he went next door.  The dress hung in the closet, a radiant deep blue.  It was cut low and the new necklace would look very nice with it.  There was also a short slit up the left side.

I stepped out of the clothes I had worn all day.  Time for a quick shower then new makeup.  It would be close but I could do it in an hour.

I let the warm water flow over me.  I looked down at my breasts.  They were perfect.  I didn’t get implants because I liked the perky “B” cups that I had developed.  The water flowed over them and down my belly.  Just a little swell there.  I had to work on that but I was happy with that too.  Now lower.  Well trimmed, what little hair was left, and the doctor had made the perfect vulva.  I looked like a woman in every manner.  The feel of the skin.  I was a woman. 

I watched the water flow off me and down the drain.  My mind went back to high school.  After gym class and the boys all in the showers, different shapes, different sizes.  And me, shy and embarrassed being in there with them.   Them joking with each other.  They knew they were men, or would be very soon.  I wasn’t at all sure.  I felt strange and different.  I wasn’t supposed to be there.  I was a stranger in this world.  I didn’t understand what they said. 

“Hey, little girl.” I heard from behind me, “Isn’t she cute, guys?  Look at that pussy.”

Another voice chimed in.  “The prettiest here.”

Then another “My girlfriend should look like that.”

My hands went down to cover my crotch.  I wanted to run but at that moment I also wanted everything they were saying to be true.

“Aw c’mon, baby, let us see.” And a hand pulled my hands away.  And there it was.  It wasn’t me, it was something that wasn’t part of me.  I pushed through them and got dressed, not even bothering to dry off.  I just wanted to be out of there.

The class bell rang.  I could still hear it.  Then I realized it wasn’t the class bell it was the phone in the other room.  I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself as I went to answer it.

“Hello,” I said almost out of breath.

A voice on the other end said “Miss March?”

“Yes.” I answered.

“This is Robert at the concierge desk.  Mister Hughes asked me to call and tell you if I  got tickets to a Broadway show tonight.  I did.  Middle Orchestra.  American in Paris, I hope that works for you.  Eight o’clock.”

Broadway show?  I was thrilled.

“Yes Yes, that’s fine thank you.” I whispered.

“Good, and I have confirmed your reservations for Aureole at six.”

“um…yes, yes, that’s great thank you Robert.”

“We’ll have a car in 30 minutes.”

“Thank you Robert, thank you.  I’ll be down…I mean we’ll be down”

Thirty minutes, it would be close.  I ran back to the bed room and threw the clothes on the bed.  Panties, bra, garter belt… Well that was silly, pantyhose would have been faster, but not as sexy.  I slipped on the undergarments and had to tell myself to slow down while putting on the stockings.  It took me a couple tries to get the clips to stay.

The dress, I slipped into it and twisted and turned to get the zipper up.  Another reason I should have just asked Trey to share a room.  Earrings, bracelet, rings…necklace.

I took it out of the box and admired the reflective stone.  It would pick up the blue of the dress. 

Hair, luckily I didn’t get it wet so it was easy to fix.

There was a knock on the door.  I slipped on the high heel pumps and ran to answer.  When I opened the door, Trey stood there with a bouquet of roses.

“Oh my, Princess you look terrific.  But I never doubted it.  Love the necklace.” He handed me the flowers and kissed me on the cheek. “A little damp are we?”

In a perfect world I would have been but…

“Sorry I didn’t have time to get totally dry.” I gasped.

“You will in the cab.” He said.  He looked at me again, “It’s like a dream.”

“It could have been your nightmare.” I scolded, “What was with the phone call from the concierge? “

“You don’t approve?” he asked.  “I thought you’d like Broadway. “

“I did…I mean I do, but I could have used more time.”


“To get ready.” I said quickly,  “C’mon we have to go, the car will be waiting.”

“All the time in the world would not have made you any more beautiful.” He said offering his arm.

“The flowers…” I realized.  He took them and threw them on the couch.

“I’ll have someone take care of them.” He told me, “They pale to you anyway.  Ready?”

I took his arm.

“More than ready.” And we walked to the elevator.


We sat in the back of the town car.  It was only ten blocks away but with traffic I thought maybe 10-15 minutes and I wasn’t going to waste it.  I slid over to Trey as soon as the door closed and grabbed his head, bringing his lips to mine.  Damn the lipstick, I would fix it when we got there.

I held him in place as my tongue probed his lips.  When I opened my eyes, he had a shocked look I couldn’t believe.

“Damn,” he said, “forget dinner, let’s go back to the room.”

“Nope.” I smiled, “You are going to wine me, dine me and take me to a show….then back to MY room.”

“But what about Monday?” he asked.

“If things work out, you’ll be moving in with me.” I joked.

“What do you mean ‘if’?’

“OK when,” I told him, “Trey, forget the pussyfooting around.  I want you and I sincerely hope you want me…”

“I do.”

“Well why waste time?”

“Um…I dunno.  Wanna get married tonight?”

“No, and maybe never, I don’t know.” I told him. “All I want right now is to be with you for the rest of my life.

“But Monday…”

“Dammit Trey!” I said through my teeth, “Quit kidding around.  Yes or no?”

“Yes.” And he leaned into me.  We kissed again but more gently now and passionately.  I could feel my heart skipping beats.

The car stopped and the door opened.  I saw the driver smile when he saw me.  I was sure it was because my makeup had been messed up but then I realized, my dress was at my hips showing the stockings, garters and a glimpse of the satin panties.

“Mister Hughes “he said, “This is your destination.”


The dinner was, well I don’t really remember but it must have been good.  I remember the Maitre-D leading us to the table.  I remember there was wine.  I sort of remember snails.  But then, all I remember is looking at Trey in his suit and tie, smiling at me across the table.

When you are in New York like we were, doggie bags aren’t practical so I suppose $150 worth of food was thrown away that night.

We walked to the theater and made it just as they closed the doors.  The seats were perfect, not too close, not too far.  Before long I was lost in the story of Jerry Mulligan falling for the charms of Lise Bouvier in post war Paris. I imagined myself in that role, Trey dancing with me on the banks of the Seine River at midnight.  Losing him and then getting him back at a masked ball. 

It was a fairytale inside a fairytale.  He held my hand through the whole show, every once in a while, especially at the romantic parts, he would gently squeeze it.  When it was over we sat quietly for a few moments while the crowd cleared.

“Après theatre drink?”  he asked me.

“In my room, with you.” I answered.

“As my lady wishes.”

We walked out and the hotel had arranged our car to be waiting.  We stood while the driver made his way to the curb.  He opened the door and we slid in.

I didn’t attack Trey this time but instead put my head on his shoulder as we rode back to the hotel.  We stood very prim and proper in the elevator to our floor and he gave me his arm to the door of the suite.  I opened it and we entered.

He pulled me to him and crushed his lips to mine.  His hand sliding down my back, then my butt and then the hem of the dresss, pulling it to my hips.  My hands traced his back, pulling us closer together.  I could feel his hardness through the slacks he had on.  He worked his way to the waist of the panties and started working them down.

Suddenly I realized, I still had not told him.  Should I?  I mean, he couldn’t tell by looking.

“Trey,” I whispered in his ear, “I have to tell you something.”

“If it’s goodbye, wait until tomorrow ok?” he said.

“No, it isn’t goodbye.  I meant everything I said earlier, I never want to say goodbye to you.”

“Then it can wait until morning…over toast.”

“But I am afraid it can’t wait.” I said pushing him back a bit. “I’m not what you think.”

“What do I think?” he asked, sudden concern on his face.

“I am not a woman.”

“You most definitely are a woman, every bit of you.”

“No, I wasn’t born a woman.”

“Yes you were, every bit of you.”

“I was a man.”

“No you weren’t”

“Yes I was,” tears started filling my eyes, “I had surgery for…”

“You had surgery to make you right.” He said.  He wiped a tear as it trickled down my face.  “Listen, I’ve known from the start.  I didn’t care then, I don’t care now.  You are a woman,.  You have always been a woman.  You will always be a woman.  I pray you will always be my woman. My Princess.  The past isn’t important.  I care about now.  What you may think you ‘were’ isn’t who you are.

“Princess, I love you.  Not what you look like on the outside,” he stopped and smiled at me, “Although that is pretty damn nice too.  Forget the past.  Before yesterday, there was no world.  It started at 3:30 yesterday afternoon in a bar in lower downtown.  You appeared from stardust on that seat.  You were placed there for me to find.”

He tilted my chin up and kissed my lips.

“WE are now. OK?” he asked me.” A beautiful Princess who fit the slipper perfectly riding into the sunset with the Prince and his 1972 Pinto with a green door.”

I laughed.  “You can quit saying that.  You don’t have a Pinto.”

“Ah, but I do,” he replied.  “Everything I have told you is true.”

“Trey?” I said.

“Yes?” he replied.

“Monday, when we get back from New York…”


“You owe me a kiss.”

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