Friday, April 10, 2015

There a few real truths in life.  One, put best by Jim Morrison, is "No one gets out of here alive".  It is a statement that cannot be denied.  We're not discussing after life here but the body .  Everyone dies.  Now I am in no hurry to reach that point. 

The other is "Life sucks".  Your suckiness may vary but no matter who you are, in some manner, life sucks.  No enough money, not enough love, not enough candy and the big suck...dying.  We all have to put up with that.  It could be a little could be a great big suck. 

However, one should not have to endure more suckiness than they have heaped on them by life in general.  Making someone else's life suck worse so you can have a life that sucks less, just isn't "cricket" as they say.

I think the United States was founded on the premise life should suck the least for all people.  I guess the other way to say that is "Everyone's life should suck equally."  Right now, some of you are saying "What?"  and I know it is confusing.  But if life has to suck, let it suck the same for everyone.

Here's where I am going with this.  When one passes a law that in some manner makes another less of a citizen.  A different class.  That makes said person's life suck worse.  We agree?  You can't sit there, that is reserved for (add your favorite adjective here) people.  What would happen if they passed a law saying blondes don't deserve jobs?  Or thirty year olds don't deserve love?  Or women should be paid 30% less then men for the equal work?  You would be angered right?  But change the word.  Change thirty year olds to gay.  Is it OK?  Some think it is.  Change blondes to transgendered people.  Meh, that's cool.  They are freaks anyway...says so right in te Bible...somewhere.  Change women to men...all hell would break loose.

But many don't see it.  Elitist or racist or religious fanatics.

Next time someone says "Those______________'s are making the country more sucky"  just change the word to what YOU see in the mirror.  It isn't any fun is it?

(BTW the bible says nothing about transgender people.  Feel free to send me the passage if you can find it)

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