Saturday, April 11, 2015

Two blogs in one day and maybe it is just more breadcrumbs I dunno.

A few small points concerning the trans community.  Maybe they can help some who really don't know about transpersons.

The word "Transperson" doesn't mean the person is changing genders.  It means that the person in some way identifies with the gender they were not born physically as.  Many Native American tribes saw trans as special, seers, prophets, people with vision. (NB some Native tribes didn't).  But the Twin spirit, the berdache or  wíŋkte or nádleehé were seen as part of the tribes, not outsiders (There is so much we could learn from the First Nations and Native American but we don't).  I prefer the word the Spanish used
"joyas",  or "jewels" OK cluttering already.  Knowing so many in the community, I can see where we have special "powers".  Not magical, just we see things differently.

I am Transsexual...which means I am a woman ( NB I didn't say female, that would be an anatomical marker assigned by external genitalia at birth although for legal reasons it is used for me now.  Hopefully physically I can be female soon).  As such (NB again these rules apply to EVERY Transperson unless they tell you otherwise).  When you see me refer to me by name...Hi I am Lori, or LoriLeah, as she or her.  What I have is "hers".  Intentionally calling me "He" will gain you my undying dislike.  Accidental slips, I will tolerate sometimes.

Other types of transgender are Cross dressers, Gender queer or gender questioning, drag queens, androgynous, fetish dressers.

Number one rule, if you HAVE to ask...don't.  Go with how the person presents or use non-gender specific words. There are NOYB questions that sometimes we may not mind answering.  Things of a personal nature...if you wouldn't ask your mom...don't ask me.  Personally I would love to talk to anyone about me or the community, because it is through understanding, falsehoods are dispelled (Gag...did I say that?  Knowing is understanding ok?)

We are not gay, some may be but many aren't.  Semantics I know but women who date men are the same as transwomen who date men. 

In my "blogs" I will cover a myriad of the wall or off the Red Brick Road as it were.  I will sometimes end up in the ditch or dead end.  But don't worry we will "recalculate" 

And please please please comment if you have good or bad comments. (here or on Facebook) Just don't be personal or rude.  I see the world through my eyes.  You are standing elsewhere and that will make things appear differently.  You have life experiences I don't.  If you are trans experience with what trans is...well you may see something I take for granted daily.

Trans-vet refers to my profession.  I am a veterinarian. I am also a veteran of the military.  I don't know how many veterinarians are trans, but I am sure I am not alone.  This can be a blog for later.

BTW there are derogatory and prejudicial words for me and my community.  I may, on occasion, use them (I think they call it taking ownership) but please don't when responding to me unless it is making a point.  

questions?  Answers?  Coffee?

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